Wednesday, February 21, 2007



***My collection of 18 flashes, entitled "Laughter, Applause, Laughter, Music, Applause" was chosen by Ron Carlson as a finalist in the Rose Metal Press short short chapbook contest and will be published at some future date.

***Two of my stories published in 2006 have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. "Eyes" at Noo Journal and "What Kind of Person Gives Secrets to the Sky" at Night Train.

***"The Hollow" in the current issue of Denver Quarterly

***"In a School in Sioux Falls, SD" in the current issue of Quick Fiction

***Fifteen of my flashes/micros will be published in the next issue of the beautifully handbound Spork edited by Drew Burk.

***"Prodigy" forthcoming in the small print journal N.O.L.A. Spleen

***"Florida" in the current issue of Smokelong Quarterly

***"Eyes" was a finalist in the Night Train Firebox Ficton contest judged by Robert Boswell and is in the current issue of Noo Journal.

***"Wild Yellow Dog, Giant Red Fox"
"A Monkey's Wedding"
"Laundry, Dry Cleaners, Coffee: A Conversation with a Child"

In the current issue of FRiGG

***"Bully" forthcoming in Whistling Shade

***"What Kind of Person Gives Secrets to the Sky" in the current issue of Night Train

***"Delivery" (podcast) in the December issue of Bound Off...

***Joseph Young published an analysis of my flash "The Photograph" (originally published in Ink Pot) in The Angler

***My story "Shoebox" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Wild Berries Press and appears in the current edition of the print magazine, Wild Strawberries.

***"Smooth" in Juked

***"Daffodil" in Issue 13 of Smokelong Quarterly.

***"Breathless" in the current issue of Staccato.

***"Hypergraphia" in Per Contra.

***"Passenger" in Elimae

***My story, “Blooms” placed 3rd in the Fandango Virtual Short Story contest, judged by Sue O’Neill.

***"Justin Fall is In My Bedroom" in Temenos

Old Stuff:

***"Margaret and Beak Discuss Jazz for the Last Time" online at Hobart

***"The Lane Girls" originally published in FRiGG has been reprinted in the anthology "In Our Own Words: A Generation Defining Itself.”

***Three micros appear in Alice Blue: “Friday Afternoon, Her Father’s Music Shop”, “Panther” and “Warrior”.

***"Learning to Play the Tuba" appeared in the Fall issue of the new small print publication The Duck and Herring Co. Pocket Field Guide.

***Two micros, “Waterfall” and “Serape” appear in Issue 2 of the new small print journal, Staccato.

***"Lens" and "Stutter" appeared in Ghoti--Writer/Translator Toshiya A. Kamei has translated “Stutter” into Spanish and appears along with its translation in the Mexican literary journal, La Cabeza del Moro.

***My short story, "Moira" placed third in the Gator Springs Gazette fiction contest and appeared in the issue, "Are We There Yet?"

***"The Photograph" appeared in Ink Pot.

***"Foreign Film" is in the small print journal, Cranky.

Even older stuff:

"Tell Me" and
"Someday We Should" Painted Moon Review

"Cardamom" Thunder Sandwich

"Three Months" Burning Word

"How Elm Trees Die" Pindeldyboz and reprinted in Strong Fiction

"Escape From The Wolf Den" Gator Springs Gazette

"We Work in the Dark" Muse Apprentice Guild

"His Sons" Surgery of Modern Warfare and blogged at Riley Dog

"Branches" Word Riot

"The Next Stanley Kubrick" Monkey Bicycle and reprinted in Issue 4 of the print magazine, "Words, Words, Words" published by So New Media The story was also mentioned in the Sept. 2003 issue of The Morning News

"With Fire and Metal on a Moonless Night" Quick Fiction, also mentioned in The Morning News

"Contained" Gator Springs Gazette

"For Sarah" Quintessence
"Grace in the Fifth Grade" Quintessence

"Day Eight: The Atkins Diet" The Glut

"My Mother Never Wore Bright Lipstick" Parenthetical Note

"The Applicant" Gator Springs Gazette

"All the Good People" Smokelong Quarterly

"You Know Her" Insolent Rudder

"Talking About Ernie Banks" FRiGG
"The Lane Girls" FRiGG
"Wren" FRiGG
"Maidenhead to Oxford" FRiGG

"Whitby's Psychiatric"Salome

"Six Months" Edifice Wrecked This one was also blogged on Riley Dog.

*My micro, entitled "Proof" won 2nd place in the Gator Springs Gazette Fool's Gold Contest and "A Brief Engagement" was a runner-up.

okay let's get started

Deep breath...